iGive for 501(c)3 causes
Specialized tools and resources for nonprofits that have chapters or regional entities.
How iGive Supports nonprofits
iGive empowers individuals to shop online and donate their cash back rewards to your cause. Any cause can join iGive, but if you are a 501(c)3 and have specialized needs, we're here to help.
⭐️ Expand unrestricted fundraising
iGive member's donate to your general fund, with no restrictions — so that you can focus on strategic fundraising and worry less about covering administrative overhead.
⭐️ Consistent donations, with low donor impact
Once a donor chooses your nonprofit in iGive, their ongoing shopping provides recurring donations at no out-of-pocket cost to the donor.
⭐️ Integration with your donor management software
Track your entire donor lifecycle, including their iGive-based donations in your existing donor management system. Coming soon
⭐️ Local, regional, and other division support
If you have chapters, dioceses, or other region-specific structures — we can help provide local engagement for your supporters. We know supporters want to "keep it local".
Meet our Director of Cause Relations
How can we help?
We are here to help answer all of your questions. Reach out to us and we'll respond as soon as we can.